A Message from Site Leadership
Creekside Early Learning Center (CELC) is a Kindergarten campus that focuses on meeting the unique needs and energy of this age group, which focuses on the whole child. We offer English programs and a 50/50 Spanish Dual Language Program in kindergarten (K) and traditional kindergarten (TK).
At CELC, early experiences in reading, writing, mathematics, STEAM, and social emotional learning (SEL) build a strong academic foundation. In addition to the academic program, CELC students have opportunities to build self-esteem, promote social development and develop a love of learning in a warm, caring and secure environment. We are very fortunate to have an ongoing partnership with Alpine Education Foundation. Through their generous donations, we are able to provide a STEAM program called “The Wheel of Experts” to each of our TK and K students. We also offer a variety of assemblies, field trips, and class performances. When our CELC Cubs leave our site, they are ready to conquer 1st grade with their academic and social skills with an enthusiasm and love for learning.
A child’s transition from home to elementary school marks an important step that involves not only the child but also the child’s parents, teacher, and support staff. We are all in this together! The Creekside staff will help the students take their “First Steps” to school success by offering a program that is dynamic and challenging. The staff provides students with a creative and interactive learning environment which includes curriculum and a wide-range of developmentally appropriate materials to enhance their learning. Because family participation in the educational program is a key ingredient to student success, parents and guardians are welcome on campus and encouraged to participate in school programs and events and as classroom volunteers, PTA members, and School Site Council members.
“Creekside is the Place to Be!”

It is a pleasure to be a part of the amazing CELC team. I began my teaching career at BOES in 2007. I taught both 3rd and 4th grade at BOES for a total of four years, and I taught kindergarten at CELC for one year. After 5 years of teaching for AUSD, my path took me to Dehesa School, a K-8 school a few miles from CELC. There, I taught 5th grade for a few years while pursuing my administrative credential. I took on many leadership roles at Dehesa including Lead Teacher, Admin Intern and eventually Principal. Being in that tiny K-8 district allowed me to gain many experiences as I wore MANY hats.
In 2017, when a position opened up as an administrator at CELC, I jumped at the opportunity to rejoin the District. My heart is deeply rooted in this community! I grew up in Alpine, attended Alpine Schools, and currently live in the community with my husband and daughter. I spent many years playing softball on Otto Field, where I have now sat in the bleachers as a parent.
As our school song states, “Creekside is the place to be!” The staff truly and deeply cares for every student! We work as a team to support the Whole Child. I am proud to be a Creekside Cub, a former Roadrunner, and a former Dust Devil!